Monday, August 15, 2011

Charles L. Peterson

I HAD to blog about this. Literally could not help myself. Charles L. Peterson is a [talented] watercolour artist whose concept is pretty familiar to me... probably because it's my original concept that I was going to go with for my Senior Sem. WOAH what a coincidence right?!!?! That's what I thought. He paints scenes that discreetly have ghosts of memories sort of hidden in them. And once you see them you can't unsee them. IT'S THE EXACT SAME IDEA I HAD BACK IN APRIL! Talk about small world. Looking through his work is really cool for me because in an essence it allows me to see what my work would have looked similar to outside of my head.

...his images are copyrighted pretty tight.

But I can ramble! So blah blah blah, I had this idea sort of pop into my head in Computer Art with Sir Skees and I really enjoyed working on it and developing my concept. Not to mention the idea got me looking at Tom Chambers, and he's only one of my all time favorite artists ever ever ever. I decided... at the time... that I would base my Senior Sem off of a similar concept, and I was mainly inspired by how thoroughly creepy the Ferguson Center's abandoned shell of a high school STILL stands at CNU and how when I was studying for Northern Renaissance art with my study group in the Painting Studio we started to discuss the likelihood of the Ferg being haunted... and what can I say, I'm drawn to the creepy, no matter how happy and perky I try my very best to come off as. Seeing Peterson's work sort of makes me realize I really am still drawn to this idea/concept. And it's actually the idea I had started working on sketches and paintings for at the beginning of the summer BEFORE I traveled to the Caribbean on a Carnival Cruise and my life changed forever (I don't think that's even possible to find yourself on a Carnival Cruise Line but whatever, I did and I find it hilarious). I want to incorporate this in with my project. Someway SOMEHOW. And time is running out. So needless to say, I still may be pretty scattered when we come back to school. And my art could most likely use some fine tuning. And I'm a hot mess ALL THE TIME. But I feel like the ghosts of my past are ultimately playing a pivotal role in my artwork/concept and they deserve to peek-a-boo in my art. If I end up being really creepy, my apologies in advance.

BUT HEY, you can click on Peterson's name and take a look on how he gets his creep on. Great minds think alike my man.

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