Sunday, August 14, 2011


I think I'm going a little art bat-shit, and I'm getting to the point where I'm like OH I LIKE THIS! OH THAT'S AWESOME! DUDE THAT'S SICK! But, for real, I've basically been working at my computer every spare minute I have. And I don't have a lot of spare time because I work 70 hours a week. All I have time for is sleeping and the occasional meal... so in retrospect I have turned into the starving insomniac artist. Because something has to give right? And I can sleep when I'm dead!
I think I may write StumbleUpon a giant thank you letter. Because this would be impossible without them. And I cannot figure out Pinterest to save my damn soul. So shout out to StumbleUpon, ya'll rock.

Check out these badasses.

Reasons I think what they do rocks.
  1. I don't know what their concept is, I'm assuming it's some kind of marriage-esque union thing going on. But I dig looking at it even though I don't get it. And I really appreciate the time and detail that went into it.
  2. THE DETAIL! Oh my gosh, it's like pattern like I've never seen. You could stare at that thing for about 4 hours and keep seeing new stuff.
  3. The color. The saturation. The mixed media of acrylic and watercolour and how they're applied. 
  4. The symbology that I don't get at all. It's not just people. It's like composite figures. 

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