Sunday, August 14, 2011

Francoise Nielly

Knife-painting. Forget a brush, who needs it?! Francoise Nielly doesn't, and her portraits are impulsive, emotional, and expressive because of it. She's a great example of the process truly creating the emphasis behind the final result, and her work is outstanding in the simplicity of quick strokes of broken color coming together to make some exquisite details. Her use of color is daring to say the least. It's really hard to paint a pink and green person without it looking like a cartoon. Her pieces are striking and eye-catching, not only for the color, but for the distinction that they are not created by any "normal" means. 

Unfortunately, her photos are copy-righted tight and I can't load an image on here. But click on her name or here and check out some of her work!

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